Installation and Testing of Hub Well No. 5A, Metropolitan Domestic Water Improvement District (MDWID) –, Tucson, AZ
Chris, under a former employer, provided technical services related to the drilling, construction, & testing of the MDWID Hub No. 5 drinking water supply well. Chris assisted with preparing the technical specifications, prepared & obtained required drilling & discharge permits, conducted pre-bid & pre-construction meetings, & provided oversight during the drilling, construction, geophysical logging, depth-specific zonal sampling, aquifer testing, & well development. Chris also assisted with the selection of depth-specific groundwater samples for determining the final well design, & prepared the completion report, including the final pump design recommendations for the well.
Gary Burchard, Hydrologist II (MDWID) - “Chris Courtney assisted with the oversight of the drilling, installation & testing of Metro Water District’s Hub Well No. 5a. Specifically, Mr. Courtney either supervised or conducted lithologic logging, gyroscopic survey zonal sampling, construction inspection, & aquifer & step-rate testing. Additionally, Mr. Courtney managed subcontractors & the bid process. Mr. Courtney executed all of these tasks in an exemplary & professional manner.”