UST Removal & Replacement & a Phase II Soil Drilling investigation, Falcon Airfield, Mesa, AZ

UST Removal & Replacement & a Phase II Soil Drilling investigation, Falcon Airfield, Mesa, AZ

On behalf of another environmental consultant, Chris assisted with a UST removal and replacement soil sampling project. Representing Falcon Executive Aviation, Inc, Chris also oversaw a site-wide Phase II drilling & soil sampling investigation where he acted as an independent 3rd party to ensure that the work conducted by another environmental consultant who was representing an interested buyer of the air hanger property was done in accordance with industry standards and their Work Plan.

Nancy Severt (VP), Falcon Executive Aviation, Inc. - “We would highly recommend Chris to others.  We found him to be very dependable, super knowledgeable, trustworthy and worth every penny we paid him! He far exceeded our expectations and we can’t even imagine navigating the environmental soil sample process without him. Our company retained Chris to oversee an aviation fuel tank project. Our old underground aviation fuel tanks were removed and new tanks installed.  The soil had to be tested many times in many locations.  We knew nothing about the process and were in the midst of selling our fuel dept. assets.  We found out if you don’t know what you’re looking at things can get complicated and expensive very quickly.  Chris’s expertise and always friendly and helpful approach got us through the lengthy process. Had it not been for his expertise and direction we can see how other unscrupulous companies could easily take advantage of costly “opportunities” that could have cost us or our buyer a lot of money. Chris always did his best to make himself available when we needed him most which we found out can often be last minute!  We purchased another commercial property not long after and Chris was also instrumental in directing us with the environmental process and helped us make sure we did everything to protect our interests and not fall victim to potential issues in the future.  Thanks Chris!”

Paul Lessaongang:   480-797-1379

Nancy Severt:           480-797-1603

Phase II Environmental Soils Investigation at an Active Luxury Limousine Rental & Repair Shop, Phoenix, AZ

Phase II Environmental Soils Investigation at an Active Luxury Limousine Rental & Repair Shop, Phoenix, AZ

Soil & Water Sampling Project Related to a Solvent Release at a Cannabis Growing Facility, Snowflake, AZ

Soil & Water Sampling Project Related to a Solvent Release at a Cannabis Growing Facility, Snowflake, AZ